Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Joy Of My Grandchildren

Hello Again,

Yes, I know that it has been awhile since I have posted a blog - I have been lazy.

We have been enjoying the grandchildren this weekend. We had Allie overnight on Friday and she was a good girl as usual and slept through the night. She likes to scream now just to hear herself scream - What a riot! She can roll from her belly to her back and she will plant her little feet down and arch her back. Needless to say you cannot leave her alone for a second now or she will roll off the bed or something else that you may not expect her to do.

In the picture below Allie was playing under her little jungle gym and very much enjoying it as you can see by the big grin.
We went down to visit Dan, Tiff and Petros today and may I say that Petros just amazes us more and more every time that we see him. We bought him a bicycle a few weeks ago with training wheels at a garage sale that was in GREAT condition. Well you would have thought that we gave that child a million dollars. Tiff tells us that that bicycle is the first thing that he asks for when he wakes up in the morning. One day they took him for 3 rides down the road on it and he would still tell them, "want more." I played "The Memory Game" with him today and he won!!! I did not go easy on him either. He is one smart and may I say handsome little boy. He has sure captured our hearts.

In this picture he is showing us that he has learned to wink. His Great Grammy LeVasseur taught him that.
In this picture he is showing us that he can give his baby cousin a bottle and she did fall fast asleep. He then politely asked me to take her. :)

Enjoy the pictures.

Until Next Time....
