Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Is In The Air

Spring is almost here - Well at least that is what the calendar says. Well, that is what I am going to believe as well. We've gotta do something! Spring will arrive on Thursday, 03/20/08 - Yay! I for one, am looking forward to it's arrival. Spring is my favorite time of year. I love the way the air smells so very fresh. It's time to hang the laundry out to dry and it smells so good, time to go for a nice long walk and just take in a good deep breath and it smells so good and time to open the windows and night and fall asleep with a nice breeze blowing and it smells so good! Shh, don't tell Mike I open the window, he's still got the electric blanket on!

Speaking of my husband, he took pains to make me a home made chicken soup today. (He is a wonderful cook.) Chicken soup is supposed to be the cure all and we hope that it cures my 6 day long headache. Either way, I know it will taste delicious. Mike's cooking always does.

We had a turkey dinner a couple of weeks ago (guess who cooked) and Sara & Robby and Tiffany came over. Dan was home painting the nursery. Tiffany left Maggie home as well - Can you imagine that?! I almost did not let her come in. :) Anyhow it was a very lovely time. I love it when the kids come over. They even let me take some pictures.

Sisterly Love!
Robby & Sara!

We are all eagerly awaiting the birth of Baby Girl Fitzcharles who now has a name. She is - Allie May Fitzcharles - She is due to arrive on or about May 14th. Sara is feeling well and experiencing all of the joys that that a mom to be should.

We are also eagerly and a bit impatiently awaiting for Tiff and Dan to hear news about a referral from Ethiopia. Adoption can be a long and slow process especially when you are playing the waiting game. We all feel it, but nobody more than Tiff and Dan. I know though, when Marin/Bennett does get here she/he will be worth the wait.

I went on Ebay and got a book that was Tiff's favorite book when she was a toddler. When I would tell her that it was story time she would run and get the same book every time. "Cookie Monster & The Cookie Tree" This was the only book that would due out of her whole book collection, and trust me she had a collection! We literally wore out one book and had to buy a second. Well now Marin/Bennett will have one too.

Have a great rest of the weekend and remember - Think - SPRING! SPRING! SPRING!