Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Sleep Over With Allie & A Party For Petros

Hello Everyone,

It has already been a busy weekend. Last night Allie had her first sleep over at Grammy and Grampy's house. She did very well - She slept through the night and that made Grammy and Grampy very happy. It is hard to believe that she is already 3 months old. Wow, how time flies! She just smiles all of the time and wakes up so happy, but when she decides that she is hungry that bottle had better be ready or she lets you know that she is not happy. She is such a very sweet little baby and she has her Grammy and her Grampy wrapped right around her little finger, that is for sure.

Today we had a shower for Dan, Tiff, and Petros and Cheryl's house. It was a perfect day for it and we all enjoyed the pool afterward. Petros enjoyed opening his gifts and sat on Daddy's lap and watched Mommy open the gift cards. What a good boy. That is truly amazing for a tired 3 y/o to do that without fidgeting. He is such a wonderful little boy and so full of love. When he looks at you with those big brown eyes and smiles you just can't help it, you instantly fall in love.

I've always known that I was truly blessed with two wonderful children entrusted to me to love, care for, and raise. Now, I am blessed with the opportunity to watch them, along with their partners, love, care for and raise these wonderful grandchildren. I am so thankful. I have never wanted wanted for more.

Until next time....


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Visiting the Grandchildren

Hello There,


Today started my first week watching Allie on Wednesdays. We went to Steep Falls and visited with Tiff, Dan and Petros for the day. We all had a good time despite the rain. Petros is learning more and more English and continues to mimic everything that we all do and that continues to just crack me up. :) He put his hat on me and I said, "thank you" and he (without missing a beat) said, " you're welcome." What a smart little boy he is! He just amazes me how fast he is learning. He just loves to throw the ball to Maggie too. Yea, speaking of balls and Maggie - Tiff brought in a ball that she bought at Target for Petros and Maggie promptly pierced it with her teeth within 30 seconds of it being in the house. Well, that took care of that ball. Petros thought that that was a big joke - He just laughed and laughed.

Allie had a good day with Grammy. After I gave her a nice bath she promptly spit up all over the front of my shirt. Did I bring another shirt? Of course not!! Thank goodness that Sara had a T-Shirt big enough to fit me! Mental note to self - Bring a change of clothes. :)

Enjoy the pictures.

Until next time....


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Journey Begins

Hello Again Today,

Well we went for lunch today at Tiff, Dan and Petros' house. Well, Petros was right full of energy today and not shy to show us. He is running around the house like he has been there forever. He absolutely adores Maggie and Maggie adores him right back. He is a little mimic, repeating everything that you say and do. (I gotta be caaaaaareful!) He was giggling the whole time that we were all there today. He is just such a joy to be around and we all feel so blessed to have him in our lives now.

Dan and Tiff are already amazing parents and Mike and I are truly impressed with them. You guys are AWESOME!!

It would be an under statement to say that I absolutely LOVE being a grandmother to both of my beautiful grand-babies. It's GREAT!

Enjoy the pictures.

Until next time....


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Although it is a blessing, it is with deep sadness that I say that my stepfather, Gary Chandler, passed away this morning. I know that he is in a better place now and is not suffering any more and for that I am grateful. I am glad that I got to spend a few days with him last week and that he was awake and coherent and was able to hold conversations with us. He even cracked a few jokes and a few smiles.

To Gary:

Until we meet again may you Rest in Peace and have fun riding that motorcycle up there in Heaven.

My family and I would like to thank every one for all of your prayers.

Until next time....


They Are Home :)

Hello Again,

I am pleased to say that after much delay Tiff, Dan and our HANDSOME grandson Petros are home safe and sound. Our prayers have been answered. Their flight from Washington, DC was overbooked and they had to take a later one and did not arrive in Portland until 11:42 pm last evening. They were all very tired.

We are going to go over for lunch today to meet Petros when he is more awake. He did manage a smile last night as he was getting into their car and gave his Grammy (me) and his Nana (Cheryl, Dan's mother) a kiss and we were both just as thrilled as thrilled can be. :) :)

Gotta go for now and I'm sure there will be more later.

Until next time....


Saturday, August 2, 2008

What A Beautiful Day!!

Okay, so today is the day that we have all been waiting for. Tiff, Dan and Petros fly in this evening at 6:45 and we are all anxiously awaiting. We will meet them at the airport. This is the hard part, I just do not know what to do with myself for these last few hours. I am trying to keep myself busy with small chores around Tiff and Dan's house. Maggie is pacing around the house - I am sure that she knows that something is going on.

Well in all of the confusion last week I forgot to post the photos that I shot of Sara's little birthday get together that we had at Tiff and Dan's house on July 23rd. It was just the family and we got together for dinner. It was Sara's "rainbow" birthday. She turned 24 on the 24th.


Okay, I will go back to cleaning and I want to make a Welcome Home poster to take to the airport. I will take pictures and post them so be sure and check tomorrow. I am so excited!!!!! :)

Until next time....


Friday, August 1, 2008

There Really IS No Place Like Home

Well I am back in Maine now and enjoying a big cup of coffee (couldn't find the coffee filters so I had to use a paper towel - It worked!) at Tiff and Dan's house right now with Maggie their dog and Tasha our cat, Selah and Biggie their cats and Andy our guinea pig and believe it or not it is perfectly quiet. I am enjoying every moment of this! :) I will take the Maggs for a walk very soon though before we get some predicted rain.

I got back from Florida yesterday. My stepfather is still holding on but is very sick. He is in hospice care at JFK Memorial Hospital in Atlantis, a city right next to West Palm Beach, FL. He was aware that my sisters and I flew down and was grateful and I am thankful for that. I feel that this means more than to everyone involved, including him, than if we went after he passed.

Tiff and Dan are having fun with their son in Ethiopia and they will be home tomorrow evening at 6:45. We are all so excited to meet Petros. From what Tiff and Dan have emailed to us he is a very sweet little boy and he loves jamming to the ipod. :) Can you just imagine how cute that must be?! Apparently Tiff and Dan have taken videos and I can hardly wait to see each and every one of them.

Sara, Robby, and Allie came to dinner last night and it was a calzone night. I think that Allie grew in the short time that I was away and became more animated. She was quite entertaining last evening. What a little cutie pie!

Well, time to take the Magpie for a walk, then clean the house.

Have a great day.

Until next time....
