Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Journey Begins

Hello Again Today,

Well we went for lunch today at Tiff, Dan and Petros' house. Well, Petros was right full of energy today and not shy to show us. He is running around the house like he has been there forever. He absolutely adores Maggie and Maggie adores him right back. He is a little mimic, repeating everything that you say and do. (I gotta be caaaaaareful!) He was giggling the whole time that we were all there today. He is just such a joy to be around and we all feel so blessed to have him in our lives now.

Dan and Tiff are already amazing parents and Mike and I are truly impressed with them. You guys are AWESOME!!

It would be an under statement to say that I absolutely LOVE being a grandmother to both of my beautiful grand-babies. It's GREAT!

Enjoy the pictures.

Until next time....



Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Your new son/grandson is BEAUTIFUL!! I can see he is just filled with joy and love! I know he is certainly surrounded by it! What a blessing for all! Best wishes!! ~Kristen Rodriguez & Family.

Kylah Marro said...

Awesome! Tell them we said congrats! The 4 of us are headed to Florida in a few days.

The Soucys said...

Congratulations Grandma! I'm so glad to hear Petros and Maggie are friends already- it was all meant to be!!!