Friday, August 1, 2008

There Really IS No Place Like Home

Well I am back in Maine now and enjoying a big cup of coffee (couldn't find the coffee filters so I had to use a paper towel - It worked!) at Tiff and Dan's house right now with Maggie their dog and Tasha our cat, Selah and Biggie their cats and Andy our guinea pig and believe it or not it is perfectly quiet. I am enjoying every moment of this! :) I will take the Maggs for a walk very soon though before we get some predicted rain.

I got back from Florida yesterday. My stepfather is still holding on but is very sick. He is in hospice care at JFK Memorial Hospital in Atlantis, a city right next to West Palm Beach, FL. He was aware that my sisters and I flew down and was grateful and I am thankful for that. I feel that this means more than to everyone involved, including him, than if we went after he passed.

Tiff and Dan are having fun with their son in Ethiopia and they will be home tomorrow evening at 6:45. We are all so excited to meet Petros. From what Tiff and Dan have emailed to us he is a very sweet little boy and he loves jamming to the ipod. :) Can you just imagine how cute that must be?! Apparently Tiff and Dan have taken videos and I can hardly wait to see each and every one of them.

Sara, Robby, and Allie came to dinner last night and it was a calzone night. I think that Allie grew in the short time that I was away and became more animated. She was quite entertaining last evening. What a little cutie pie!

Well, time to take the Magpie for a walk, then clean the house.

Have a great day.

Until next time....



Mrs. Engelhardt said...

Thank you for staying at the house. It was great to not have to worry about Maggs while we were enjoying Ethiopia! The coffee filters are in the cupboard above the coffee maker!